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Relevant papers and proyects

The following list is sorted by course and contains detailed relevant projects and practical classes developed during the degree of Mechatronics Engineering in Nueva Granada Military University.
©All rights reserved to the intelectual authors mentioned on each paper.

Industrial DC Motor in serial connection

As a first sight to power electronics, it is proposed to perform a serial connection of an industrial DC Motor and measure its main properties and features like torque values obtained and determine the speed and voltage ratio.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Power electronics   | Technology brands: LabVolt Festo (Motor & Dynamometer)   | Keywords: Winding motor, Power, Load, Torque, Magnetic field

Industrial DC Motor in parallel connection

With a previous introduction to Industrial Motor in serial connection, this practice require the measurement of Motor featuring parallel connection, searching for differences presented in variables of torque, speed and working voltage needed against the serial connection.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Power electronics   | Technology brands: LabVolt FESTO (Motor & Dynamometer)   | Keywords: Winding motor, Power, Load, Torque, Field current, Core current, Parallel connection

Speed variation of an Industrial DC Motor using PWM

This laboratory has the objective to control an industrial motor using PWM module of a a microcontroller , for this project, we decided to use an optocoupler to protect the embedded system.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Power electronics, Analog and Digital electronics, Microcontrolelrs, Embedded, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: LabVolt Festo (Motor & Dynamometer), ST (Microcontroller)   | Keywords: Motor, Power, Load, Torque, Field current, PWM-Pulse Width Modulation, Safe electronics, Optocoupler

Industrial AC Motor start in Delta and Start connection

This laboratory practice contains the experimental results of comparison between starting an Triphasic Motor in Delta and Star connections, looking for the best option to use when an specific application is required.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Power electronics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: LabVolt Festo (Motor & Dynamometer)   | Keywords: Motor, Power, Load, Torque, Delta connection, Star connection

Speed and position control of Yaskawa servomotor

This project shows the process to control a YASKAWA Servomotor using microcontroller embedded system STM21F407VG, the needed to set a DAC Digital-Analog Converter to control both speed and position using potentiometer connected to the microcontroller, and the output of the DAC connected to YASKAWA driver.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Power electronics, Analog and Digital electronics, Microcontrolelrs, Embedded, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: YASKAWA (Servomotor AC), ST (Microcontroller)   | Keywords: Servomotor, Rated speed, Pulse train, Position control, Speed control

Pneumatics, intuitive and cascade method

This laboratory practice was developed to be familiarized with Pneumatics elements (FESTO) and the purpose to recreate 3 different sequences (A+B+A-B-) , (A+B+B-A-) and (A+B+(B-A-)) using 2 cylinders A (left cylinder) and B (right cylinder). Too see more about how it was performed, check the papers below and the video for the result of 1 sequence.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Pneumatics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: FESTO (Pneumatics kit), Fluidsim (FESTO Simulation software)   | Keywords: Pneumatic sequences, Valves, Force and speed analysis, Intuitive method, Cascade method

Pneumatics, timers and counters

Counters and timers are a fundamental piece of automation, so they are also present in simple sequences to fulfill a need, in this laboratory we designed different pneumatic circuits to recreate sequences depending one on each other, waiting for specific tempo and also repeat and event certain amount of times, here you will read how to assembly the connection and how to use these modules

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Pneumatics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: FESTO (Pneumatics kit), Fluidsim (FESTO Simulation software)   | Keywords: Pneumatic sequences, Valves, Force and speed analysis, Pneumatic counter, Pneumatic timer

Electro-pneumatic circuits

This paper presents the design, setup and simulation of differente psequences recreated with pneumatic cylinders using electropneumatic valves, the objective is to show how they are developed and its operating principle.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Pneumatics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: FESTO (Pneumatic and electric kit), Fluidsim (FESTO Simulation software)   | Keywords: Electropneumatic sequences, Valves, Force and speed analysis, Pneumatic counter, Pneumatic timer, Relays

Hydraulic circuits

This project shows the perform the control of an hydraulic motor and the measurement of its main characteristics, example: the variation of speed as function of oil pressure and flow, used for design of circuits and specific applications.

Galvis David; Ubaque Angie, Zorro Jorge

Year: 2016   | Engineering fields: Hydraulics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: FESTO (Hydraulic and electric kit), Fluidsim (FESTO Simulation software)   | Keywords: Hydraulics, Valves, Force and speed analysis, Hydraulic applications

Modelling of mechatronics systems

In this laboratory there are proposed 9 different mechatronic systems and the objective is to model using Newton-Euler and Euler-Lagrange methods to find the transfer function for each system and to simulate in MATLAB the natural response of all of them.

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Mathematics and Physics, Statics & Dynamics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Newton-Euler, Euler-Lagrange, Open-loop response, Translational mechanical system model, Rotational mechanical system model, Electrical system model, Liquid level system model, Thermal system model, Hydraulic system model

First and Second Order Systems and design of a PID control

the steps needed for the design and development of first and second order electronic systems are presented, using filters theory; the analysis of its temporal response due to a step signal input is shown, and the concept and implementation of a PID controller is presented, for error minimization, stabilization time improving and overvalue handling.

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Mathematics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Newton-Euler, Euler-Lagrange, Open-loop response, Proportional control, Derivative control, Integral control, PID control, Second order control

  • First and Second Order Systems and design of a PID control - English version - Click to open...
  • First and Second Order Systems and design of a PID control - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Modelling and position and Speed control of a DC Motor using PID, PI2D and PI3

Taking a real-life system SRV02 inverted pendulum module, in hands of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and its model created on Matlab, the objective is to the design different control systems (Position and speed) according to the input type (step, ramp and acceleration) and perform the simulation in Matlab

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Analog electronics, Design, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Newton-Euler, Euler-Lagrange, Proportional control, Derivative control, Integral control, PID control, Second order control

  • Modelling and position and Speed control of a DC Motor using PID - English version - Click to open...
  • Modelling and position and Speed control of a DC Motor using PID - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Position control of a mass on a pulley, finding transfer function by obtaining values from oscilloscope

This paper presents the required procedures, analysis for the design and implementation of a PID control for the positioning of a mass through a motor and a pulley. Using graphic, analytic and experimental methods to obtain the system's parameters.

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, CAD, Mathematics, Electronics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Newton-Euler, Matlab PIDTool, Transfer function, Push and Pull circuit

  • Position control of a mass on a pulley, finding transfer function - English version - Click to open...
  • Position control of a mass on a pulley, finding transfer function - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Space State Control and Linearization of nonlinear systems

Robotic manipulators are an essential part of the automation industry and can be controlled through different methods. In this document, the modeling of a robotic manipulator made up of a DC motor with real constants coupled to a bar through a flexible joint. The manipulator is controlled with feedback for the linearized system, which allows the angular speed of the arm to be controlled. an observer is made to control the position of the arm.

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Mathematics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Space state model, Observer, Linear system, Nonlinear system, Transfer function

  • Space State Control and Linearization of nonlinear systems - English version - Click to open...
  • Space State Control and Linearization of nonlinear systems - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Frequency compensation, analog control position of a mass

The objective of this proyect is to design a frequency compensator in order to control the position of a mass before certain control design parameters, the mass is located in a hoist system in which the force is exerted by a motor. The compensators allow the control of a system through the analysis of frequency, gain margin, phase, assignment of poles and zeros, totally different from PID where the control is carried out starting from time.

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Analog electronics, Mathematics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Frequency compensation control, Lead compensator, Phase and Gain margin, Linear system, Transfer function

  • Frequency compensation, analog control position of a mass - English version - Click to open...
  • Frequency compensation, analog control position of a mass - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Discrete control, position control of a mass using Labview

For this practice, a digital controller is designed using the national instruments DAQ acquisition card, NI USB 6009. The plant to be controlled will be a system of the control of a mass, using a motor and coupled to a hoist system. A PID is designed and then discretized, different discretization methods are used, such as Euler in advance and delay, as well as the Tustin method, the sampling time and the constants are found, and then they are implemented in a LaBView diagram.

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Analog electronics, Mathematics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software), LabView National Instruments (DAQ system)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, continuous control, Discrete control, Digital-Analog converter, Linear system, Transfer function, Position control

  • Discrete control, position control of a mass using Labview - English version - Click to open...
  • Discrete control, position control of a mass using Labview - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Discrete control, position control of a mass using Microcontroller

In this project the transfer function of a plant is found, for a system that allows the position control of a mass, using a hoist reduction of ¼ of the force exerted by the motor. The main objective is to control by means of a PID, design and discretize the controller, and implement it in a microcontroller, which in this case will be the Arduino UNO platform. The position of the mass, the reference, the control signal and the error signal are displayed on a graphical user interface of the software.

Galvis David; Lopez Daniel

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Analog electronics, Embedded, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software), Arduino (Embedded device)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, continuous control, Discrete control, Digital-Analog converter, Microcontroller, Transfer function, Serial communication, Position control

  • Discrete control, position control of a mass using Labview - English version - Click to open...
  • Discrete control, position control of a mass using Labview - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...

Disturbances on control, a review of control in state space

In this document the behavior of a spring mass system with perturbation modeling will be studied by means of a representation in space of states so as to be able to take it to its controllable canonical and observable canonical form. By obtaining such representations a controller can be designed that obeys the control law by means of three different methods to calculate in a vector way the constants of the controller. Likewise, a state observer can be calculated by means of three methods, by means of which the behavior of any state variable that is occasionally difficult to measure physically can be shown. It will show the behavior of the above mentioned but adding an integration constant, which will turn it into a servosystem.

Galvis David; Restrepo Camilo

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Mathematics and Physics, Statics & Dynamics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Space State, Observer, Disturbances, Canonic form, Controllable canonical form, Observable canonical form

  • Disturbances on control, and review of control in state space - English version - Click to open...
  • Disturbances on control, and review of control in state space - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Modeling and identification of a system with pulleys, fluid, and position measurement with Hall effect sensor

The modeling of a mass-spring system will be carried out first, in which the mass is driven by a DC motor and it is inserted inside the of a fluid. The operation of the described plant will be through a push-pull circuit for the movement of the motor. For the second part of the laboratory, the identification of the plant was developed, for this it was necessary to introduce a hall effect sensor in order to measure the position of the mass that in this case contains a magnet. The data delivered by the sensor is voltage, so the behavior of the plant is plotted using the oscilloscope in order to carry out the identification using the graphic method and also using MATLAB with “ident”.

Galvis David; Restrepo Camilo

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Mathematics and Physics, Statics & Dynamics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Transfer function, Open loop, Feedback, Hall effect sensor

  • DModeling and identification of a system with pulleys, fluid, and position measurement with Hall effect sensor - English version - Click to open...
  • Modeling and identification of a system with pulleys, fluid, and position measurement with Hall effect sensor - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Discrete time control, 7 different methods

This proyect has the purpose of making the assembly of a physical plant type mass - spring introduced into a fluid which is connected to a motor that transmits its power through pulleys, the operation of this plant is through a PUSH-PULL circuit and a hall effect sensor.
A variety of discrete controllers will be applied to the plant described and the behavior of the entire system will be analyzed based on each of the respective controllers in order to make a comparison and determine which can be better in operation and in ease of implementation.

Here you will find the following methods:
- Design and perform of PID continuous time control and convert to discrete
- Design and perform of PID on discrete-time
- Design and perform of a Root Locus control system
- Design and perform of a frequency compensator control on discrete-time
- Design and perform of Pole/Zero Cancellation control system
- Design and perform of Oscillation Death control system
- Design and perform of Servosystem in discrete-time

Galvis David; Restrepo Camilo

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Mathematics and Physics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software), LabView National Instruments (DAQ system)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Transfer function, Root locus control, Frequency compensation, Pole/Zero cancellation control, Oscillation death control, Discrete servosystem

Control of Furuta pendulum, final project

In this laboratory practice it was required to design a servo system in order to control the position of the vertical bar upwards of the Furuta pendulum, since this is a non-linear system, the model must be found in order to perform a dynamic control over Whole plant. The techniques learned in the theoretical class are used to develop each of the proposed objectives.

Galvis David; Restrepo Camilo

Year: 2017   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Mathematics and Physics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Matlab & Simulink (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Mechatronics modelling, Transfer function, Space state control, Furuta pendulum,

Fischertechnik Factory 4.0 programming

This proyect presents the development of the programming of 5 different stations of a didactic production line of the company FischerTechnik. So that it is necessary to program a software in ROBOPro taking into account that the stations are part of a sequence using a PLC for each station and programming sequentially so that each time with the operation in the process of each station. Also it was simulated all the process using FESTO software.

Galvis David; Betancourt Carlos, Laverde Daniel

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Analog and Digital electronics, Control and signal processing, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Fischertechnik (Factory 4.0 assembly), Fluidsim FESTO (Simulation software)   | Keywords: Characterization, Digital electronics, Analog electronics, Fischertechnik

Logic gates displayed in PLC S7-1500 SIEMENS and Automation Studio communicating through an OPC to the computer

This document shows the result of the implementation of logic gates AND, OR, NOT and XOR in the different programming languages ​​that Simatic S7-1500 allows. This allows to know better the PLC initial configuration and the TIA Portal software and then to communicate with the Automation Studio's simulator. It is with the objective of controlling a process from a computer, this is already one of the main features of an industrial automation process and it allows to expand the knowledge of connecting the controller to a server. To make this development it was necessary to consult in bibliography and the TIAPortal's help option the different programming languages ​​and their structures, declaration of variables and some other features of each language. Later setting connection between PLC and Automation Studio by an OPC server. Finally, a connection developed between both previously mentioned was simulated with a good result. It offers the great advantage of communicating with a computer and to process the control. This is the penultimate step of every automated industry and because of this it's one of the most important pillars of itself.

Galvis David; Buitrago Eric, Gomez Johan Co-author: Prof. Olga Lucía Ramos Sandoval, Ph.D.

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Analog and Digital electronics, Control and signal processing, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Siemens (PLC S7-1500), TIA PORTAL Siemens (Software), Automation Studio (Connection software)   | Keywords: Characterization, Digital electronics, Analog electronics, Automation, Siemens, Portal, Ladder language, SCL

  • Logic gates displayed in PLC S7-1500 SIEMENS and Automation Studio communicating through an OPC to the computer - English version - Click to open...
  • Logic gates displayed in PLC S7-1500 SIEMENS and Automation Studio communicating through an OPC to the computer - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Sequential control of a simulated process of 5 hydraulic cylinders through a PLC

In this paper is presented the development of a sequential process programmed in PLC which recreates given phase curves made by actuators (cylinders) and with physical features simulated in Automation Studio. Through use of timers and counters the cylinder's profiles can be done. The timers allow the user to have the right time between segments of each profile and changes of position of itself, and the counters allow the process to repeat the cycles that the user indicates.
Finally when the process is done there are presented the phase curves graphs for the 5 actuators. It works simultaneously as aN industrial process where actuators are synchronized and this by using the programmable logic controller.

Galvis David; Buitrago Eric, Gomez Johan Co-author: Prof. Olga Lucía Ramos Sandoval, Ph.D.

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Analog and Digital electronics, Control and signal processing, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Siemens (PLC S7-1500), TIA PORTAL Siemens (Software), Automation Studio (Connection software)   | Keywords: Characterization, Digital electronics, Analog electronics, Siemens, TIA Portal, Hydraulic cylinders

  • Sequential control of a simulated process of 5 hydraulic cylinders through a PLC - English version - Click to open...
  • Sequential control of a simulated process of 5 hydraulic cylinders through a PLC - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Control and supervision of a simulated industrial process using scada systems communicating through PROFIBUS, PLC S7-1500 and Siemens variable speed drive connected to Siemens AC Motor and YASKAWA Servo

This document shows the result of the implementation of SCADA system to control and to supervise the process following position and speed profiles of both servo motor and a three phase motor using connection of 6 PLC S7-1500. In the industry the SCADA systems are very important because it shows and control one or more remote processes, sometimes the work stations are in considerable lengths and for this specific case it is made for PC Stations and HMI Screens through two communication protocols (main and secondary ) that makes the connection of PLC and when one communication fails the other takes its place and keep communicating, adding the configuration of parameters for driver for the servo motor and the variable frequency drive to make the profiles correctly. Finally it is obtained a main network of 6 PLC by PROFINET ring connection where the controllers communicate one each other sending and receiving data use to make the sequential process programmed for profiles in any work station in the lab.

Galvis David; Buitrago Eric, Gomez Johan Co-author: Prof. Olga Lucía Ramos Sandoval, Ph.D.

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Analog and Digital electronics, Control and signal processing, Mechanics, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: Siemens (PLC S7-1500, Micromaster 440, Motor 1LA7 070 2YA60), TIA PORTAL Siemens (Software), YASKAWA (Servomotor), Automation Studio (Connection software)   | Keywords: Characterization, Digital electronics, Analog electronics, Siemens, TIA Portal, Hydraulic cylinders, Variable speed drive, Micromaster 440, PROFIBUS, Yaskawa

  • Control and supervision of a simulated industrial process using scada systems, plc s7-1500 and Siemens variable speed drive connected to Siemens AC Motor and YASKAWA Servo - English version - Click to open...
  • Control and supervision of a simulated industrial process using scada systems, plc s7-1500 and Siemens variable speed drive connected to Siemens AC Motor and YASKAWA Servo - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Camera tracking and trajectory planning with manipulator Mitsubishi MELFA RV 3SQB

This project presents the development of a 2 different application of trajectory planning, first where the objective is to draw the logo of a national football team qualified to WC 2018 in a sheet of paper using the manipulator Melfa RV 3SQB available in the Automation Lab. The first step is to get the points to draw and to define a work area for the robot. After this, it is necessary to select the command of movement for the robot, in this case it is Mvs. The second application is to develop a source code that catches points by hand movement tracking using a camera and the project writes the code in the MELFA language with the trajectory which is loaded to the manipulator. The tracking system is made with Matlab and generates the code to load in the MELFA with all the commands needed.

Galvis David; Buitrago Eric, Gomez Johan Co-author: Prof. Olga Lucía Ramos Sandoval, Ph.D.

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Analog and Digital electronics, Control and signal processing, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: MITSUBISHI (MELFA software and manipulator RV 3SQB), Solidworks (Image conversion to coordinates), MATLAB (Camera tracking)   | Keywords: Camera tracking, Trajectory planning, Mitsubishi RV 3SQB, Manipulator programming

  • Camera tracking and trajectory planning with manipulator Mitsubishi MELFA - English version - Click to open...
  • Camera tracking and trajectory planning with manipulator Mitsubishi MELFA - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...
Proyect: SCADA systems in crude oil refining process

This document presents the realization of a SCADA system on a thread for crude oil refining, where the main objective is to remotely control and supervise each stage of the process from start to finish and that in turn it has programmed alarms capable of indicating the personnel in charge when an inconvenience occurs. In the oil industry, it is vitally important to be aware of oil refining, since any change in this procedure can result in obtaining a poor quality product, which generates waste of time and money. Since each of these processes have defined characteristics and standards such as the temperatures or the reaction time of the liquid that must be established so that there are no changes in the final result of the product. This is done thanks to two controls implemented on the heating and reaction process on which a PID controller and a state feedback controller are applied, respectively. And on which the temperature values ​​of each of these must always be visible in the user interfaces, whether local or remote, that allows the personnel in charge to observe that none of these exceed the limits or generate unforeseen errors despite the alarms. installed in the system and that both the reactor motor (inverter (Speed drive)) and the pump (servomotor) are operating correctly.

Galvis David; Buitrago Eric, Gomez Johan Co-author: Prof. Olga Lucía Ramos Sandoval, Ph.D.

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Analog and Digital electronics, Control and signal processing, Programming and simulation, Thermodynamics   | Technology brands: SIEMENS (PLC S7-1500 , Temperature Sensor PT100, Speed Drive Micromaster 440)   | Keywords: Oil refining, SCADA systems, Remote supervision WinCC, Mechatronics modelling, PID Siemens PLC, Temperature control Siemens

Important documentation:
Siemens PID Module for PLC S7-1500  
Siemens Speed Drive Micromaster 440 Manual  
Siemens PT100 Temperature sensor Datasheet  

Kohonen neural network for mobile robot trajectory planning, and Back-propagation algorithm for character recognition

In this document the implementation of a neural network is carried out by means of the back-propagation algorithm in order to recognize characters entered through a graphical user interface, for this the network had to be trained with 4 different patterns for each character and at the end of the program you must indicate which character has just been entered. In addition, a self-organizing map of Kohonen is developed in order to classify the characters on a work field, on which a mobile robot will move. To carry out this development it was necessary to implement the 3 fundamental stages, competitive phase, cooperative phase and adaptive phase.

Galvis David; Ruiz Christian

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Control and signal processing, Programming and simulation   | Technology brands: MATLAB (Programming IDE)   | Keywords: Self-Organizing map, Kohonen, Weights, Neural Network, Back-Propagation

  • VIDEOS Kohonen neural network - Click to watch VIDEOS ...
  • Kohonen neural network for mobile robot trajectory planning, and Back-propagation algorithm for character recognition - English version - Click to open...
  • Kohonen neural network for mobile robot trajectory planning, and Back-propagation algorithm for character recognition - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...

Calculating the lift of a wing using the Vortex Lattice Method

This document presents the implementation in Matlab of an algorithm to calculate the lift of a wing of finite wingspan called the Vortex Lattice method, which is an extension of the method of 3D panels, also performs the wing simulation in software specialized in aerodynamics and fluid dynamics such as XFLR5, which allows simulations in wing profiles and finite wings, obtaining various variables related to the wing such as lift, drag, pressure coefficients and distribution of the wing as the drag, pressure coefficients and the distribution of the wing as a result of various variables such as lift, drag, pressure coefficients and the distribution of the wing.

Galvis David; Ruiz Christian

Year: 2018   | Engineering fields: Programming and simulation, Dynamics   | Technology brands: MATLAB (Programming IDE) , XFLR5 (Aerodynamics software)   | Keywords: Lift coefficient, Aerodynamics, VLM, Vortex Lattice Method, Wing panels

  • Calculating the lift of a wing using the Vortex Lattice Method - English version - Click to open...
  • Calculating the lift of a wing using the Vortex Lattice Method - Spanish version (Original) - Click to open...